Application Form Untitled Document Part (A) Organization Information Organization Name: * Business Registration Number: * Business Nature: * Business Registration File: * (Format: PDF, JPG & PNG. Max Size: 2MB) Website: Address: Contact Person 1 : * Job Title : * Email : * Tel : * Mobile : * Contact Person 2 : Job Title : Email : Tel : Mobile : Part (B) Nominated Entry Information Title of Nominated App (English): * App Category: * Public Sector DistinctionBusiness and CommercialLifestyle, Social and Entertainment Was the App developed in Asia? *(Only apps developed in Asia are eligible for the Awards) Yes Date of Launch: * Running on which Mobile Platform(s): * (can select more than one option) iOSAndroidSymbianBlackBerrywebOSWindowsPhoneLiMoBada/TizenOthers, please specify App effective in market by 31 December 2018? ** YesNo Website link for 1-minute video: * (needs English sub-title or voice-over) Role of Organization of Nominated Entry: * OwnerAgencyDeveloperOthers, please specify Description of Nominated App (English): * (max. 120 words) Please state special features of the App with respect to the following judging criteria where appropriate (English) (max. 100 words) Innovation and Creativity * Functionality and Design * User Experience * Technical Deployment of Smartphone Technologies * Market Performance and Competitiveness * Social Responsibility * Part (C) Other Parties Involved for Nominated Entry Name of Owner: Name of Agency: Name of Developer: Name of Other Related Parties: Part (D) Declaration We hereby declare that the above App participates into the “Asia Smart Apps Awards” (the Contest) according to the “Rules and Regulations” of the Contest as stated in we own the intellectual property rights of the App mentioned in this Form, OR we are granted by the owner(s) of the App the rights to use, OR we have obtained the endorsement from all other related parties of the App, in order to participate into the Contest. the authorize the Organizer the right to use the submitted materials for the Contest and its related promotional activities. all the information given above is correct to our best of knowledge. I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the above Terms.